👉 🤑 Females currently control 40% of global wealth and that is expected to be closer to 77% by 2029 😮‍💨💥

❌ Women live longer but earn less than men. ❌

👉 ...only 30% of these women consider themselves financially literate.

❌ 99% of domestic violence cases involve financial abuse. ❌

👉 🤑 Females currently control 40% of global wealth and that is expected to be closer to 77% by 2029 😮‍💨💥 ❌ Women live longer but earn less than men. ❌ 👉 ...only 30% of these women consider themselves financially literate. ❌ 99% of domestic violence cases involve financial abuse. ❌

financial freedom For the future of All women

rewriting the book on financial literacy, one word at a time.


Hi, I’m ~⋆coco dee.

I was a millionaire ❋ by the time I turned 23 and lost it all but managed to thrive post collapse of my business → when the rose coloured glasses came off and I was made aware of just ∘ how imbalanced ∘ a patriarchal economy could be.

These days, you’ll find me weaving ⋆legacy⋆ w/ my award winning female financial literary programs + outreach initiatives $bringing money to young women worldwide.


frugal& fierce.

I teach ✦women everything they need to know about…

  • My passion for property got me in some hot water alright…

    And I’m here to teach you how to avoid becoming the frog in the pot - ouch!

    I’ve been playing in the real estate space for over 15 years: it’s how I made millions and it’s how I lost millions - a few times over.

    Like most things in life, real estate is a cyclic thing. I understand those cycles within real estate intimately, which makes me a slightly annoying person to sit next to at the annual family gathering and the perfect person to guide you through the ups and downs of the market if that’s where your passion lies.

    While my investment portfolio is no longer focused on acquiring real estate, my mission remains unwavering—to equip women (like you) with the knowledge and skills to discern if an opportunity is for you and if it’s a hell yes, to make sure you maximise the shit out of it.

    Through years of personal experience buying, selling, investing and playing in the ever-changing tides of this exciting asset class: I’m confident you’ll come to learn everything there is about both the underbelly and rainbows of real estate.

  • Sure, the term ‘investor’ sounds sexy - but where’s the real time convo highlighting the itty gritty behind the flashing lights?

    Investing requires discipline, calculated decision-making, and a willingness to lead with uncertainty from the front.

    It’s risky but the emotional and financial reward can be really high.

    Plus, it can very well turn out to be a holy grail ticket to long term financial freedom if you make a few good calls.

    Here’s the issue:

    Only one-third of women see themselves as investors, and the majority don't feel confident making investment decisions.

    The number of women pouring money into investments is rising.

    A 2021 study by Fidelity found that 67% of women are now investing outside of their retirement accounts, compared to 44% in 2018.

    The same study shows that the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic contributed to this surge, with 51% of women saying they started investing since the start of the pandemic.

    42% say they now have more to invest since the start of the pandemic.

    That being said, only 33% of women actually see themselves as investors, according to Fidelity.

    In fact, About 34% of women in a US based survey by FinanceBuzz, haven’t taken the plunge on investing compared with 24% of men.

    Source: Fidelity, FinanceBuzz

    Not only do I tackle the illiteracy portion with my Female Financial Literacy Library, but I teach my clients about the power of compounding, which asset classes to stick with and why and how to invest so that their money can work for them.

    Sure, some well placed advice from someone who knows their shiz (spoiler: there’s not many who do) can be helpful…

    AND also,

    leaving someone else to make the investment decisions for you only strips you of your power.

    That’s why I’ve made it my mission to teach women about the art of intuitive investing.

    Remember, a good investment portfolio is your vehicle to financial freedom - and I’ll teach you how to take the GD wheel!

  • Some call me the queen of failing forward - and yup, they’re right on the money.

    Having lost millions only to build it back again, twice, I know a thing or two about recovery.

    I’m a lil bit of a recovery renegade like this ;)

    In fact, I’d call it my superpower.

    Rather than seeing financial loss as a failure, I embrace it as an otherwise inaccessible catalyst for growth.

    Think of it as the bestie who stumbles alongside you, creating epic messes, sticking by your side to offer invaluable lessons and while inviting you into greater growth.

    Here’s what I can guarantee you:

    The less we fear failure, the better life becomes.

    Bankruptcy and liquidation weren’t easy but sheesh - they have been the most generous with their gifts.

    Going through it taught me everything I need to know about resilience, tenacity, financial responsibility, adaptability, humility and the critical importance of long term planning.

    Now…nothing scares me anymore.

    it’s been a big learning curve but the freedom & self appreciation I’ve experienced on the other side has been nothing short of incredibly worth it.

    These days, my recovery from failure and loss looks a little less like crunching numbers for a comeback, and more like factoring in the needs of my mind, body and spirit.

    As women, I believe that inner knowing and embodiment is our secret sauce.

    Knowing your numbers is key letting your intuition and body lead, really does change the game.

    It’s never too late to start again.

    And who are you to say it doesn’t get better?

  • Something amazing happens when you listen and lean into cycles of life.

    Everything in nature has it’s rhythm…

    ..and the economy is not exception to this.

    Understanding these cycles is your KEY to unlocking overflow in every area of your life.

    I’ve called many a season of my life, a ‘setback’ - but these seasons have shaped me in a way that has fired me up to guiding other women on their journey to create incredible wealth - intuitively.

    Money is like menstruation - the better you know your cycle, the more optimised your life will be.




RentA ceo

Coco brings a fresh pair of eyes & high level thinking to modern business owners stuck in the fog of the day-to-day doing.

She offers the capacity to work with her in a white glove experience she curates to ensure your business gets the attention to detail it deserves, as it prepares to scale its next evolution.

This top tier coaching/consultancy offering is specifically geared towards serving established female business owners, investors and company leaders eager for support that allows them to make bolder strides in their respective endeavours.

At present, RentA CEO is the only way to work with Coco in a 1-1 capacity.


Your Kind Words

Money Musings